Isaiah 45:71
I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things.
—Isaiah 45:71
—Isaiah 45:71
October 31, 2012
I am so pro-Obama
I'm writing you because I am so pro-Obama I didn't want to plug into the whole media circus—where they have to have a ballgame to sell, and only a close one keeps viewers tuned in. I never believed it was close. Tea Party sycophants are for anyone but Obama; Senate republican McConnell said his job was to make the President lose his, a singularly tasteless low point in the congressional muck.
I write to offer President Obama and his campaign staff my personal thanks, and to raise a little hell.
In 1976, I was 16 years old and Jerry Brown was running, and stated he was for universal health care, I believe he may have even used the word socialized. I thought that was great. At 52 we have a man in the White house who made it happen. I want to harp on this. Britain didn't have universal coverage until after WW II. The impetus to, “Make it so,”” was grounded in the event called the Blitz, and the deaths of civilians, the heroism of the Home Guard, who were risking all for their fellow countrymen. None of the wounded were asked for insurance documents before they were treated—then, they were all English and that was more than good enough. After the hostilities there was swell of of gratitude for the service rendered by civilians, the remembrance of civilians lost—men, women and children; the fact these people may be left without Doctors because the fighting had stopped became intolerable to the voters.
Now a word about that word, socialized. The campaign offered lows, President Obama stands accused here in Tennessee of Four years of Socialism and by inference trying to crumble all the pillars that support our “American way of life,” the video of Romney talking to donors willing to cough up some bread to keep their cash out of the hands of tax collectors was as candid as, “One night in Paris,” but far less provocative to wage-earning, working class viewers who can remember the space of time since the Carter presidency which promulgated a final budget with a $65B shortfall, Reagan beat on his tub and people are beating on tubs today declaring themselves Reagan disciples, the deficits started with him, he fired air traffic controllers and put the whole weight of government to the wheel to see that it was upheld in court, to pluck off the wings of the union movement, the song remains the same for these people—deadbeats, union demands, treating the cashless sick will just bring more parasites out, and they are serious about this belief that the United States is brimming with parasites.
I just completed a course on child development, whose textbook presented the school system as serving more than one necessity, that of supplying Staples with clerks that can make the correct change for a dollar, the early schooling of children socializes them, the whole 'plays well with others' concept. The scare tactics of red-baiting are not out of style despite the years of events that unconvince those in the red states, funny how that works.
Britain was never a Socialized Soviet or State, despite claims made at chicken dinner fundraisers by Insurance peddlers. The thought raised during England's postwar time was that insurance is a risk business, and people's health shouldn't support the legal gambling on who might get sick. Canada took a generation to concur, there Parliament outlawed for-profit health underwriting. Our defeated foe Germany continues operating the 19th century plan of cradle to grave universal care established by the Kaiser, which survived the Third Reich.
I wish these points had been hammered on by the campaign, the Reagan revolution 30 year aftermath has seen one balanced budget, it was devised by a Democrat.
Romney wants to assure Americans their money is safe with him, that the stock market—played right is not a gamble, that a nation whose government borrowed money from Communist China to wade into two military conflicts can't afford to send the now uninsured to a doctor, cancer or no cancer. Let them continue to arrive at emergency rooms like the beggers they are.
On 911, in NYC, Blue Cross cards meant nothing, everyone was one of us.
Let's all of us vote proudly for this gifted man, President Barack Obama.
Let's vote for Congressional candidates who support the President.
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