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Then it all sounded just like what we had been informed of years ago.
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The NSA ran a wiretap operation so vast that this doesn't amount to much, simply applying the old methods to the cellular era. I am no expert in telephony, but I met one at the VA Hospital in Battle Creek, I cannot find the new revelations to hold any great import, we were told about them in 2005, with no political trauma occuring.
I think the NSA and Mr. Snowden are both doing what they think is best. Snowden's reputation ought not be so quickly marred, his military record, and performance of duty over the span of years is singular and other than the actions and record of E-4 Bradley Manning, where the Uniform Code of Military Justice makes whistle-blowing something else entirely, to his misfortune.
What Snowden revealed was the activity of the secret court, something I never read about in history having existed during WWII, the last Constitutionally appropriate military action of our nation. Parsing words over the shedding of blood, ours and the ones who receive the smart bombs and bunker busters is gutless, and always occurs in a faraway hellhole our children ought never lay eyes on. U.S. Representatives live in a more royal manner that King George III ever dreamed possible. The innovation that is the internet pulls the wool over many the eyes of many,who think their voice is getting through, and registering somewhere up the food chain, that each new outrage to our rights and privileges is necessary because of the evil cunning of each possible foe. We don't need more avenues to lay our bitching on we need more damn say in the government of the people, by the people; it must allow more citizens a
VOTE! How can any man or woman understand the needs and promote the good desires and ambitions of 700,000 people which each Rep. now shepherds.
REPRESENTATION; do it with polls, demographics,
MEDIA CAMPAIGNS TO BESMIRCH the sitting president for the actions taken by farflung individuals somewhere in the huge bureaucracy, it is unfathomable, just the sort of atmosphere to guarantee the people get left out. Winning and losing these garish elections requires ever more pomposity, both parties have the same means—computer data, poll data evolving on solid scientific ground, reliable to know what someone may want to hear, but there it becomes so reliable and inhuman, if someone is going to represent he must have first hand knowledge of his flock. If the number of our representatives were increased, and mathematics and science and computers can provide the answer to what ratio is truly humanly appropriate to the task of apportionment the Constitution requires these very same men to perform who stage catfights each Sunday on talk shows which used to provide information instead of party lines and trying to sell the viewer on a viewpoint consisting of pure opinion. If the prize of winning each single seat were not so dear to the conduct of future policy making; and good women and men might take office feeling the burden of all in his charge instead of joining long-range tactical efforts to win back every inch for his contributors who support the obscenely expensive, wasteful campaigns which mimic the world tour of rock band instead of any meaningful experience of what is most pressing to the people of his district, and pledging to vote correctly for them and doing so.
It is awful handy to put burden on the judicial branch, even this quasi animal FISA, who is issuing orders that should come from the sitting executive administration. going to the bar of justice ought be the last resort for the powerless, not the design of caprice. As we now live with Roe v Wade, where the court had to pick up the slack for a Congress worried about votes and PR, instead of science and doing what is right for women.
That Congress passed the FISA statute in actual peacetime is an absurdity.
Let the judge carry the ball, he can't get hurt, Federal Judge—he's in for life. This is the reasoning of a scoundrel kind of business. Where are the deciders?
I AM CONVINCED within myself, this nation must enlarge Congress. the Capitol Building is the seat of government because our Representatives and Senators work there, while it is a cherished part of our landscape and heritage, it is not the Constitutional Mandate the legislative branch convene there. We are allowed to have a Representative for every 30,000 or more souls of us.
The size of the House of Representatives is now fixed by statute, not for any practical purpose but to seat there asses comfortably within the Capitol Building. They are out of touch because their jobs have become too dear to them, but it is to them to evolve, let's have some plumbers and farmers serve—there are so many locations in this nation for a larger House of Representatives to convene, it is ridiculous and a mark against those in office that we must suffer lawyers and judges to be our our masters.
All in all I feel bad for Manning too, all that he
LEAKED was stuff little kids like me saw on the RCA color TV set, a beautiful piece of furniture at that time—all wood finished in maple made in the USA; in VietNam the first amendment was adhered to; even I, a dumb little kid knew it was haywire. When Desert Storm was in the planning stage, Pres. George HW Bush put the press in a cubbie hole controlled by the military who lead them around like sheep up until this very day in fact.
"Select journalists were allowed to visit the front lines in "press
pools." These reporters had to be accompanied by U.S. military...
The Pentagon televised daily briefings primarily conducted by
Lieutenant General Thomas Kelley. White House Chief of Staff John Sununu
said the only time information was withheld was when it threatened
national security.
The press did attempt to fight back to the administration's access
policies during the Gulf War. Bureau chiefs from print and television
collaborated on a letter to President Bush communicating concerns about
the restrictions in Saudi Arabia particularly. Ted Koppel, host of ABC's "Nightline" criticized the administration's
policies stating, "I'm not sure the public's interest is served by
seeing what seems to have been such a painless war, when 50,000 to
100,000 people may have died on the other side."
I met a vet in Battle Creek VA, whose conscience still stung—one task he was in on was the burying alive Iraqi forces hunkered down in bunkers underground because of the massive air campaign, using bulldozers and other heavy machinery they ended those dudes like trapped moles, which is cool if you know they would certainly be shooting back were it not for the greatest combined air forces in military history.
It eats at me how the whole process of sending our children to fulfill the goals put before them works. When FDR made his famous declaration of war speech, it was after Congress had already acted, 2 August 1990 – 28 February 1991, the President lobbied heavily to get not a Constitutional declaration of war but license to wage war; and any license according to Sir William Blackstone's Dictionary is:
"The permission granted by competent authority to exercise a
certain privilege that, without such authorization, would constitute an
illegal act, a Trespass or a tort.
The certificate or the document itself that confers permission to engage in otherwise proscribed conduct."
The Gulf War debate can be analyzed here—
The secrecy used in policy making has eroded our rights and our reputation in the wide world. Kennedy made note of this. that's not conspiracy theory, it's a fact—listen: