Isaiah 45:71

I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things.
—Isaiah 45:71

November 16, 2015


It has been incredibly confusing for this amateur to get a hold on the actual nature of what it is that U.S. combat operations anywhere in the Middle East hope to accomplish—This interview with 3 star Gen. Michael Flynn, who strikes me as the same sort of person Lt. Col. L. Fletcher Prouty was, who spoke openly about his military service in the fifties and early sixties about how operational control of these important,vital matters has not been 100% under Pentagon control; that military experts re often vetoed by other agency with direct ties to the Executive branch of government. JFK gave instructions to the Head of the joint Chiefs of Staff that he as president regarded their advice as the final word, a policy reversed by LBJ two days after Kennedy was shot dead in Dallas.

CIA, NSA input into military operations, and the amount of money disbursed to private sector corporate players have so muddied the waters of what it is we are expecting of our sons and daughters when we send them into a shooting war, without Congress declaring war, which is the obligation conferred on Congress by the U.S. Constitution, that these police actions since WWII have no clear goal of victory.

It is also apparent that since the first Gulf War, limited journalists are allowed in combat zones in contradiction of the First Amendment; scribes are vetted by the Pentagon, CIA or who knows? The American people get very little truth, or any real awareness of what is going on overseas, certainly not the breath of information that brought the curtain down on our engagement in S.E. Asia.

Now S.W. Asia operations have languished longer than the VietNam effort that was questionable from its inception as to its final stated and/or unstated goal. President Eisenhower stated he would never send U.S. ground forces to the mainland of Asia (see: Pentagon Papers Chapter 2).

While I do not subscribe to any old conspiracy theory, the Military Industrial Complex does hold ultimate sway over the funds supplied by taxpayers and this is sad, especially when the counsel of good men and women in the uniform of our nation are not heeded.

President Eisenhower—his invention of the term Military Industrial Complex

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